Law Office of Candice E. Iheme

Law Office of Candice e. iheme

Personal Injury & Criminal Defense Law Firm
(551) 309-2339

Legal Cases Handled
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Years of Industry Experience


Candice E. Iheme, Esq.

Ms. Iheme is a first-generation American. She never planned to attend law school. In 2015, while in college, she began working for a Fortune 500 insurance company. She never expected that she would find the insurance world to be as fascinating as it was.

Ms. Iheme went on to graduate from Rutgers University-New Brunswick, cum laude, with a Bachelors in Economics (minor in Psychology). After college, she was offered a full-time position with that same Fortune 500 insurance company.

The Process

How It Works

Free Consultation

Begin with a detailed discussion about your case to fully understand its intricacies.


Develop a customized strategy after analyzing the specifics of your situation.

Take Action

Once you retain our firm, we will advocate relentlessly for your case, ensuring you receive the justice and compensation you deserve.

Candice E. Iheme, Esq.

Why Choose Candice As Your Advocate?

Exceptional Performance History

Rely on our outstanding case outcomes, showcasing our expertise and dedication.

Transparent Fee Structure

In personal injury cases, our firm will not get paid unless we obtain a recovery for you. For criminal cases, we offer a flat fee payment structure and payment plans are available.

Unmatched Client Support

Experience unparalleled service, tailored to your individual needs with meticulous attention.

Client Testimonials

What Our Clients Say

John Smith

Candice E. Iheme, Esq. and her team went above and beyond to secure a successful outcome for my case. Their professionalism, expertise, and personalized attention made all the difference. I highly recommend their services.

Emily Johnson

am incredibly grateful for the outstanding legal representation provided by Candice E. Iheme, Esq. and her team. Their dedication, transparency, and exceptional track record speak volumes. I couldn't have asked for better support during a challenging time

David Martinez David Martinez

Choosing Candice E. Iheme, Esq.'s firm was the best decision I made. Their commitment to excellence, integrity, and client satisfaction is unmatched. I am truly impressed by their professionalism and would confidently recommend them to anyone in need of legal assistance.

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76 South Orange Avenue, Suite 105, South Orange, NJ 07079

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